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Save your devices and your budget with ChromeOS Flex

Revitalize your school‘s old devices to save costs, strengthen security, and simplify management with ChromeOS Flex.

From outdated to upgraded

Fill out this form to receive a ChromeOS Flex starter kit and begin making the most of your existing devices fleet - all at no charge.

Refresh a Mac or PC with ChromeOS Flex and Chrome Education Upgrade

Update your devices in a few simple steps

Modernize and easily manage your school’s existing PCs and Mac devices at no additional cost with ChromeOS Flex, Chrome Education Upgrade, and Google Admin Console.

Answers to common questions

ChromeOS Flex is a fast, secure, cloud-first, easy-to-manage operating system for Macs and PCs. It is designed to refresh older devices, increasing their performance for more efficient teaching and learning.

All you need to get ChromeOS Flex running is a USB drive. The process typically takes around 20 minutes to complete.

Step 1: Create a bootable ChromeOS Flex USB drive and use it to try the OS prior to installing it.

Step 2: When you are ready, install ChromeOS Flex on your PC or Mac to replace your operating system.

Step 3: Deploy ChromeOS Flex to more devices in your organization via USB drive or over your network.

ChromeOS is available on Chromebook. To upgrade from ChromeOS Flex to ChromeOS, explore Chromebook options for your institution.